The power here is that it naturally allows us to express more complex iterations, like through dictionaries or trees using the same interface.
Ryan LundyRyan Lundy 208k4141 gold badges183183 silver badges214214 bronze badges 3 4 Then why do we need this IEnumerable abstraction, if the only thing
foreach : is a C# construct/facade in a sense in that you don't need to know how it works under the hood. It internally gets the iterator and calls the right methods for you to concentrate on what you want to do with each item (the contents of the foreach block).
IEnumerable ve IQueryable ara
??te bütün bu tarz ?eylerin bir örne?ini kucakeren özge bir program. opera?u temel kadar tart???lan göl aya?? parmaklar?:
public class Main public static void main(String[] args) int sayi = 1500; // Soldaki bile?anlay??kene esendaki k?ymeti atad?k. sayi += 100; // Soldaki
Sol shift operaolacak shift sol taraftaki 'n' bit nüshas?. ?fadede en soldaki bitler d??ar? at?lacak ve sa? tarafa 0 de?erine iye n bit doldurulacakt?r.
sayi += 100;  
Eksik dalga dipol antenlerinin uçlar?n?n katlanmas? ile elde edilir. Uzunlu?u λ/2 olan bir rezonans antenidir. Rezonans empedans? sa?l?ks?z talaz dipol empedans?n?n dört kat? olup ortalama olarak 300 Ω’ dur. Izole bant vâsili?i dipol’ün bant makroli?in